New Things to Learn

  • coding through 2.7.10 tutorial
  • Something Learned
    • if statement
    • for statement
    • the range() function
      • range(5, 10, step) 值得注意的是取数乃是这样的 范围[ ) step 默认为1
      • range() 与list的结合
        • 简化为:for i, v in enumerate(['Mary', 'had', 'a', 'litter', 'lamb']):
    • break and continue statement
      • break 是哪里 打破 最近的 Loops
      • continue 又是继续的哪里 最近的 Loops
    • else 不要受制于 matlab 的else Python的else可用于Loops
    • pass statement
    • Define functions 与c中的类似
      • default argument values
      • Keyword arguments 这个比较鲜活


def cheeseshop(kind, *arguments, **keywords):
    print '-- do you have any', kind, "?"
    print "-- I am sorry, we're all out of", kind
    for arg in arguments:
        print arg
    print '-' * 40
    keys = sorted(keywords.keys())
    for kw in keys:
        print kw, ":", keywords[kw]

cheeseshop("limburger", "it's very runny, sir.", "It's really very, Very runny, sir.", shopkeeper = 'Michael Palin', client = 'John Cleese', sketch = 'cheese shop sketch')
  • *name01**name02 先后顺序
  • 涉及 dictionary 还未细看 下一步着手
  • keys = sorted(keywords.keys())
  • 看输出结果

      -- do you have any limburger ?  
      -- I am sorry, we're all out of limburger  
      it's very runny, sir.  
      It's really very, Very runny, sir.  
      client : John Cleese   
      shopkeeper : Michael Palin  
      sketch : cheese shop sketch
    • 明白
    • 但是为什么呢?
      • kind 参数 只能是第一个 "limburger"
      • *arguments 参数 "it's very runny, sir.", "It's really very, Very runny, sir.
      • **keywords 参数 其他剩余
    • keys = sorted(keywords.keys()) 不明白 进一步需要了解 Dic 再回来 看这个 confused codes
  • When ?
  • How to use them?


  • [x] dictionary dive in 官方help and 问题
  • [x] 4.7.3 Arbitrary Argument Lists
  • [x] 4.7.4 Unpacking Argument Lists
  • [x] 4.7.5. Lambda Expressions
  • [x] 4.7.6. Documentation Strings
  • [x] 4.8 Intermezzo: Coding Style


  • Coding 下去
  • 7个蕃茄学习 1个蕃茄整理
  • 反思
    • 代码练了 没有去完成一个项目 自定义的项目 发现还是不怎么入脑
    • 那么的思考 完成一个 怎样有趣的项目 如同show me the code的 learn by doing
    • 这么个循序渐进额可以
